Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas 2011

Another Christmas done and gone. Crazy how fast time goes. The more kids you have the faster it goes, right? We had a great Christmas this year. The Lord seems to always bless us more than we can imagine. We really try to teach our kids the true meaning of Christmas and keep that first and foremost on our hearts. Courtney and I always make a cake (or cake pops this year) for Jesus' birthday and I try to get them a special "Christian" gift each year rather than just a bunch of toys. We also go through our toys and donate to the less fortunate each year. I also like to create traditions, I'm all about traditions, I LOVE traditions. This year I decided to make all the kids matching jammie pants which they all liked...even Ethan! I also got Ethan a complete set of baseball cards. A tradition my dad started when I was a kid. I have tons of baseball cards and complete sets and love that I can share that interest with Ethan and hopefully Austin some day. We also always go to church on Christmas...well...we go every sunday but Christmas too. This year Austin and I were sick and we weren't going to make it. This is where the year we live in kinda rocks...I got the computer and hooked it up to the tv and we watched a live service of NewSpring Church this year. They had an amazing service and we were able to keep our sickness to ourselves. 
Putting out Santa stuff.

Family of 5 mantle. With the Christmas Angel above. It was my Grandparent's when they were first married (it was on their tree back then) and my parent's (also on their tree) and now it's mine...too old to be on the tree though. One day it will be Courtney's when she is married. Told you. I LOVE traditions.

Austin and all his "stuff". He didn't care.

 No. We didn't get his for her. But for some reason ALL kids play with baby toys.
 Kids watching church.
Cake pops for Jesus. :-)

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