Saturday, January 21, 2012

Austin's first food

I was the happy recipient of a Baby Bullet for Christmas (next post will be about the bullet). So, a couple of days ago Courtney and I whipped up Austin's first food. An avocado with a little breast milk. He had been sitting in the high chair while we did this and was getting quite restless. We sat down, Daddy grabbed the camera and we attempted to feed our almost 5 month old some avocado. Low and behold...he liked it! He didn't try to push it out of his month, he didn't make a funny face, he actually liked it. At first he was kind of confused and it just sat on the top of his mouth and tongue but then he needed to breath so he closed his mouth and was opened to the whole new world of F O O D. I must say it was a bitter sweet moment. There is something to be said about being his only source of nutrition and the bond that comes with exclusively breast feeding but I was quite happy at the same time to know that we are going to have yet another child who likes healthy food! After a few bites Courtney was so anxious to feed him so I handed over the spoon and she was so excited. I had to teach her how to put the food onto the top of his mouth and not give him too much but she was quite the natural. It's simply amazing how fast he is growing and the changes we are experiencing so fast. 

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