Monday, June 20, 2011

Ethan in June

As you can tell, I am obsessed with pictures. Usually pictures of Courtney as we spend, well, about 16 hours a day together. I am blessed to have such a beautiful daughter who doesn't mind me being obsessed with having pictures of her. Ethan on the other hand, equally as gorgeous...not as equally excited about me taking pictures of him so often. So, with our limited amount of time with Ethan, and him being a boy...there are many less pictures. Soooo, I tried to make up for it the other day. We set up a 'mini studio' in the living room and I shot tons of pictures of him, just him...well, and his yo-yo. The boy LOVES his yo-yo and if I must say, he is quite good at it too. Here are a few of the pictures we took....he is pretty darn handsome!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

2nd Trimester Pictures

Yes, we have entered the 3rd trimester. This pregnancy has really gone by fast. Looking at the calendar and having only 10 weeks left is crazy...seems like just yesterday we were only 10 weeks along. So here are the 2nd trimester belly pics. There was a big change from last month to this month...and boy can I feel it!

March 24, 2011

April 24, 2011

May 24, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Courtney's 4th bday party(s)

I have got to get better at blogging again! As I'm organizing pictures I noticed I didn't get around to putting Courtney's 4th bday pics up. What a failure! So, it's a month later and here they are. We had our first 'friend' party this year at our house and we will forever do it that way. She had a blast, her favorite little friends made it and it didn't cost a lot of money! What more could you ask for? Since her bday was during the week, her party was on the weekend but Kaylee, Nana, Bopa and Auntie Shannon all came up on the 10th to celebrate on the day. We started that day with pictures of Courtney and Kaylee which was so much fun...and I still need to edit/post those pics! Then we headed to the Boingo Bounce where the girls had a blast! 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Courtney is FOUR!

Our sweet baby is 4; which is absolutely crazy to think about. I have had the best time being her mommy, she truly brightens my day from the moment she comes in to tell me it's time to get up because it's morning. Even if that comes at 6 AM some times. One of my favorite things about her is how thoughtful she is. She will randomly tell me or Daddy that she likes our shirt, our that we look cute. She asks if we need help and is generally a good sweet kid. She has a heart for God and loves to learn more about Him as much as we will teach her. Here are some of her 4 year old pictures I took the other day which I must say are A D O R A B L E. Gotta love her! She LOVES barns, so we thought this was the perfect spot. Thanks, Bopa for the big 4! :-)