Sunday, March 27, 2011

Update and random pictures

Courtney has recovered I would say, from her tonsil surgery. She had days of ups and downs for about a week then about a week of some weird, rough dreams/nights and I would say she is back to our normal little girl. Other than she can breath at night (without sounding like a 65 year old man), I no longer worry when I don't hear her breathing because I know she really is breathing and yes, she still sounds like a chipmunk. We are hoping that last part with go back to normal but will not mind either way. She is one tough little girl and we are so proud of her. She lost about 4 lbs over the 2 weeks and is on her way to gaining it back and more by the way she is eating! We sure do love her!

Last week we were able to go to the park! It was beautiful!
This is Courtney's new thing...what color bath she will take. Walmart sells these little pellets that change the color of the water, and nothing else! She loves them and it makes bath time all that much more exciting for her. As you can see by the walls, we are all about fun bath times...we also have the handy bath markers that Walmart sells. Love them! 
One night after surgery she was watching a movie in her "tent" (thank you Slaughter family for such a wonderful gift!) and this is how I found her. So precious. 
 Our little fashion queen. 
Ok, seriously, it was 80 degrees last weekend...this weekend back to freezing, but last weekend, not so much. Last summer Courtney had so much fun on her slip and slide, so I got her a new one. The water was REALLY cold, but she still had a blast. I can't wait for summer days to be here. 

Courtney LOVES her Daddy. Loves, Loves, Loves him. You can tell with the way she smiles when she interacts with him. I love to take bazilions of pictures of them...nothing like looking back at those times when she is older.

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