Monday, June 20, 2011

Ethan in June

As you can tell, I am obsessed with pictures. Usually pictures of Courtney as we spend, well, about 16 hours a day together. I am blessed to have such a beautiful daughter who doesn't mind me being obsessed with having pictures of her. Ethan on the other hand, equally as gorgeous...not as equally excited about me taking pictures of him so often. So, with our limited amount of time with Ethan, and him being a boy...there are many less pictures. Soooo, I tried to make up for it the other day. We set up a 'mini studio' in the living room and I shot tons of pictures of him, just him...well, and his yo-yo. The boy LOVES his yo-yo and if I must say, he is quite good at it too. Here are a few of the pictures we took....he is pretty darn handsome!

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