Tonight, sitting at dinner, I looked at Paul and told him "we have an incredible life". And we do. How blessed we are and how much we take it for granted! I'm not talking about our material things (though those are nice too), I'm talking about our life. Our marriage, our children, our friends and our family. What an incredible life! Summer time is always awesome at the Pursley house. With Paul's job, Courtney and I are able to spend so much time with him. Last week we made a trip to Texas for 2 days. It is about a 5 hour drive down there and Courtney really did well. We stayed in a super nice hotel which I (Annie) love! Courtney gets excited to go on a 'trip in Daddy's truck'. When we get there she is excited about the 'big bed'. She really is amazing and is growing so fast. When we got to the hotel she asks Daddy "play monster trucks with me". Yes, our little girl is a monster truck fan.
The other morning Courtney and I were relaxing and taking our time to 'wake up'. One of our favorite parts of summer. I walk into the kitchen to find this: a feast? I'm not sure who she was expecting but they never showed up.
Our little mechanic. She IS her daddy's girl, 100%. She gets tools to 'fix' things all the time.
Driving back from Texas. What a cutie he is! For those of you who don't know...I am madly in love with my husband, not again...more than ever, there is no again. This feeling is a first and the most incredible thing I have ever experienced. I have found true love....right in front of me!
The first official lake trip was today. We had so much fun! It was a pretty good day, kinda cloudy, kinda sunny, but warm. Courtney did amazing. She didn't whine or cry and just hung out on the boat while every one wake boarded and skied.
Yes, I am better than Paul...there will be pictures to prove it as the summer grows older.
Ethan officially got up on his wake board! He is the cutest thing ever. A couple of years ago he was trying to explain something to us and didn't know the word he wanted to use. He said "i get this funny feeling in my legs". We told him that is anxiety and nervousness. On our way to the lake, Ethan told us "I'm getting that feeling in my legs again". Too cute! He did really well though.
We tried to teach Shanna to wake board today...not sure why she couldn't get it because she is facing the wrong way?!??!? :-)
Ethan driving us back to the boat launch.
She was exhausted!
Okay Okay!! I am determined!!! By the end of summer I will get up on that thing!!! I am not a bad photographer either!!! :)