"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." - NIV
I pray, I pray a lot, I pray alone, I pray with Courtney, I pray with friends, I pray when I eat, I pray when I'm in bed, I pray in my car. But, so often I wonder if God even hears me. I'm sure I'm not the only one to feel this way but I do feel this way some times. I know God hears me, God hears me when I forget to pray. I guess I don't really doubt he hears me, I just wonder why His way is so different than mine some times.
Today I don't feel that way. Today I was reminded that God does hear us and God does answer our prayers. God is listening and God is doing what is needed on His time.
I have a friend, a wonderful, godly of a woman friend. She prays for her son every day and God answers her prayers. Not only has he answered her prayers once, but 4 or 5 times in just the past few months. When she is concerned, she prays for something specific and I tell you what, God answers that specific prayer, literally.
When I get her text messages (today's said "Prayer Rocks") I know the Lord has been listening to her and just blessed her with an answer. What an amazing God we have. What an amazing friend in Christ I have.
Just read this!!! Love ya Annie!! I Pray for you too!!!!