Monday, February 16, 2009

bitter sweetness of being a mommy

Yesterday morning Courtney woke up with a fever. When Courtney gets a fever, she doesn't mess around. It usually goes to about 104 and likes to stay between there and 103. This isn't the first time she's had a fever like this so I don't freak out, though I don't like it at all. She took a cool bath where she sat there and proceeded to tell me "Ommy, Ortney Old" (mommy, courtney is cold). She didn't cry or throw a fit, just repeatedly told me that. The rest of the day she slept, on me. Which is where the bitter/sweet part comes in. Although Courtney is getting more 'cuddly' as she is getting older, she has never been one to sleep on me or her daddy. She has never fallen asleep in random places. She is a sleep in her own bed type of girl. But yesterday was so different and awesome! Though my heart ached for her not feeling well, it also was filled with comfort as my little girl curled up on my chest over and over throughout the day. 

She is feeling much better today, just a mild fever but back to herself. 

Right after her bath in the morning, drinking milk and watching Little Einsteins.
About 20 minutes into Little Einsteins.
After a brief nap since I had to get comfy and woke her up.
Enjoying a little more Einsteins...
Out again...
Another nap after a little barfing.
Cuddling with mommy before bed.


  1. Glad you are feeling better Court! See ya Friday! Hopefully!

  2. How pitiful! My kiddos are the same way when they are sick--love the cuddles, hate the sickness. Glad she is feeling better.

  3. The stomach bug is so bad! Abigail got it and got it violently. Hope she feels better soon! Yes, it is bitter sweet.

  4. Oh, that sweet girl! Hope she gets better soon. Caroline has been sick this last week, too. Our girls are a lot a like! Caroline won't sleep on us or any other place, except her bed! Hope you have a good day, today.

  5. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
