Saturday, December 6, 2008

Finally Christmas

It finally feels like Christmas in our house. Yes, Paul started to put lights up weeks ago. People even thought we were weird for putting them up so soon; now we are weird because the are just now on. Well, most of them anyway. Maybe tomorrow he'll finish the rest and I can post a pic of how awesome our house looks with lights.  When we got home from Sams Club today, B-squared had put the tree up and gotten all the decorations down from the attic. I was EXCITED! Here are a few pictures of our tree with the ham in front of it.

These are from this evening out playing with Daddy's RC car. Courtney loves to drive it, but just goes full throttle (oh, about 55 mph). It is quite comical to watch.

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty tree! I still need to put up the outside lights on our house lol.
