Wednesday, May 21, 2008

An Array of Thoughts

Fun, laughter, deep thoughts, tears, good times, humbling, rough times, easy, difficult, new, uncertain...the list could go on. These are all things that can describe our life and happenings right now. Today Paul's mom left to go back to CA. Her and her friend Janice came out to visit the kids and us for a few days. I am so blessed to have an amazing mother in law that I not only get along with but look forward to having visit. She is a great inspiration as a wife, a mother and woman. No, she is not perfect, and she'll be the first to tell you. But she lays it all out for the Lord to handle and that is very admirable and inspiring.

Paul and I have been having some rough times financially lately as the construction market has done nothing but go down for the past year and a half. Financial problems lead to disagreements, which lead to arguments, which lead to fights, which leads to....God. Everything leads to the Lord. It's especially difficult after months of no end in sight, but when Paul and I get together and look to the Lord; the fights, arguments, and disagreements all go away. We can deal with this, we can handle this, the Lord will not let us down.

Ok, where was I going...Life is so unpredictable, but it is what it is. Since this rough time in our life, we have gotten closer to each other ; why? Because we've gotten closer to God. Paul drew this illustration he learned years ago...God is on top, wife on the right, husband on the's a pyramid. Moral of the story, the closer we get to God, the closer we get to each other. We may not understand why we're having the troubles of life right now, but we don't need to, God is leading.

We have our children, they are healthy and happy. We have our mother in laws, they are helpful and loving. We have each other, we are strong and in love.

Back to what I am good at (other than trying to talk about stuff I don't know what I'm trying to talk about); pictures!
Here is my Mom with me and Court. She was here to visit last week for Courtney's 1st birthday and we had a great time. She got to see Courtney walk on her birthday, she got to hang out with me at the mall all day getting her hair done and shopping for new outfits (hope it wasn't that bad), she got to go to FBCS with us and experience the "Directions" connection group; always and experience with Matt!

80's child?

Me experimenting...finally!

Us with Paul's mom.

At the park where we figured out he just needed a bigger glove!

Also at the park. Ethan just walked up to these kids and asked if he could play soccer with them. Next thing we see, they are all huddled making plays like they are in the World Cup or something!

What type of caption is this supposed to have?

Janice's camera captured the true look of our purple (nameless) tang.

Again, thanks Janice. We REALLY like this picutre.

Having fun after the game.

Well, I'm off to my parents house at the lake with Courtney tomorrow. Looking forward to more family time. Grandma is coming out...she's a riot!

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